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Bipolar infidelity

One of the first things you need to do before reading this article is to pull out your treatment contract and go over it with your spouse, before the issue of infidelity comes up and ruins an otherwise beautiful relationship. Infidelity is unfortunate and is often blamed on manic behavior and hyper sexuality, but this is usually difficult to explain as a reason to your partner no matter how understanding they may usually be. This article not only provides you with the necessary information explaining why your symptoms might lead you to consider cheating, along with helpful tips and methods that can prevent you from acting out on this destructive behavior. Not only will you learn that you can't blame your bipolar disorder for all of your bad choices, especially when there are several successful treatments available, but this article will help you understand how your choices can affect your life and relationships.

2019-10-09T14:06:03-04:00By |34 Comments

Discovery of bipolar disorder

Which term is socially and medically correct "bipolar disorder" or "manic depressive condition", and is it a disease, a chemical or hormonal imbalance, or is it caused by genetics or social conditions? These are only some of the common questions asked by people who either suffer from a bipolar disorder or known someone close to them that has been diagnosed with the condition, and the answers to these and other questions are covered in this article. The timeline starts in 400 BC and continues up to the present, and it is also important to note that the research into this disorder is ongoing and the facts can change as new information becomes available. Instead of this leaving people even more confused and frustrated the simple fact that health care professionals are still studying this illness should give suffers additional hope that a successful treatment will soon be available without having to undergo the stressful trial and error process.

2019-10-09T14:05:58-04:00By |0 Comments

Bipolar relationships

Having a bipolar disorder and being involved in a relationship can be difficult and impossible for many couples, and the high divorce rate seems to support this conclusion. The term "bipolar relationship" might seem better suited to describe two nations that simply cannot get along, but it is also an apt reference for those who are suffering from the manic highs and lows associated with this disorder and still trying to keep their loved ones close. What many bipolar sufferers may not know is that it is actually more common for both partners to have this disorder, and the information contained in this article can give you helpful insights that may save your relationship. When you and your partner are both aware of the symptoms and warning signs associated with a bipolar disorder it is easier to not only manage and control the manic emotions and behavior, it can also help save the important relationships in your life.

2019-10-09T14:06:02-04:00By |0 Comments

History of bipolar disorder

If you have ever wondered about the history of your bipolar disorder and wondered if it were possible to learn anything about its past, this article can help answer your questions. Covering ancient Greece and Rome, you can also learn how a bipolar disorder was diagnosed and treated in the middle ages which can leave you thankful for more modern and humane treatment method instead of being branded a sinner and tossed in the nearest asylum. As you read through the history of the medications, treatments and even the changing criteria that must be present to be diagnosed with a bipolar disorder you can begin to understand that this is an illness and that you are by no means the only person who has ever been affected. The more you learn about the causes of your manic highs and lows, along with how it can affect those around you the easier it will be for you to find the right treatment that works for you.

2019-10-09T14:06:01-04:00By |0 Comments

Bipolar spouse

People who suffer from a bipolar disorder often have the preconceived notion that is impossible to have a loving and supportive relationship if you or your partner suffer from the manic highs and lows associated with this condition, and the high divorce rate seems to support this misconception. While living with a spouse who has a bipolar disorder or if you are the one suffering from these debilitating can be difficult, frustrating, and even seem impossible at times the information in this article can give couples some hope for the success of their relationship. In this article you will find the information you need to help you understand how the disorder can affect your relationship, and if it is your spouse who is suffering from a bipolar condition it can also give you the necessary tools to help your loved one manage their moods. When couples work together not only does the relationship have a better chance of surviving, but the one dealing with this condition will often notice an improvement in their symptoms.

2019-10-09T14:06:01-04:00By |73 Comments

Bipolar Behavior

There are two parts to a bipolar disorder that include so much more than the manic mood swings, and learning to recognize the signs and feelings can help relieve your suffering and that of those around you. While one part of a bipolar disorder is the feelings you experience internally, how you express these emotions in your behavior is just as important when you are trying to get an accurate diagnosis. A skilled health care practitioner will be able to recognize certain behavior problems that commonly indicate the presence of a bipolar disorder, along with being able to identify the ones that can be a sign of another illness. Most importantly you will finally be able to start a treatment plan designed specifically for your problems, along with learning that not all behaviors associated with a bipolar disorder are necessarily bad. With the helpful information included in this article, you will soon be able to tell the difference between the up and downsides of your bipolar behavior.

2019-10-09T14:06:02-04:00By |2 Comments

The ADHD Bipolar Disorder connection

There has been an ongoing debate and a lot of confusion regarding the similarities and differences between a bipolar and attention deficit hyperactive disorder, and it is important to state that these are different conditions and while it is possible to suffer from both it is almost impossible to diagnosis yourself without help and advice from a licensed health care professional. In this article you will find all of the information you need to help you keep ADHD and a bipolar disorder separate in your mind, even if you are constantly finding that you exhibit symptoms associated with both conditions. You will also find information that helps to explain how and why these disorders are often connected, and why the creativity that often results from the manic behavior is sometimes beneficial and at other times dangerous for your mental and physical health. The more you know about your disorder the easier it will be to find a treatment plan that works for you.

2019-10-09T14:05:57-04:00By |0 Comments
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