
Topamax bipolar disorder treatment

If you have never heard of an "off label" medication that is being used to treat a bipolar disorder you are not alone, and it simply refers to a drug that is not approved by the FDA to use with your particular problem. While this is not uncommon and many of the medications used to treat a bipolar disorder were actually created to help sufferers of other mental health issues, it should be noted that Topamax is different from these other drugs. Not only is it not approved for use with a bipolar disorder, it also includes a long list of potential side effects that can actually create new health problems which could become possibly life threatening. In this article you will learn all of the facts regarding this controversial form of treatment, along with the main reason why it has been steadily gaining in popularity so you will be better equipped to find a safe and reliable medication that works for you.

2020-05-17T11:42:27-04:00By |1 Comment

Abilify medication for bipolar?

Finding the right medication to treat your bipolar disorder can be confusing especially when only some are approved or even effective at treating your type of depression. Some medications that are actually able to manage the symptoms associated with depression cannot treat the mania associated with a bipolar disorder and vice versa, which can complicate your ability to find a plan that will work for you. Abilify is one commonly prescribe medication that is helping to treat certain symptoms associated with a bipolar disorder, but it is also important to understand that is will not aid with your severe depression, and the information included in this article can make it easier for you to make the right decision when you are trying to decide on the appropriate course of action. After all, when it comes to trying to find the right medication to treat all of your bipolar symptoms you can never have too much information.

2020-05-23T17:43:06-04:00By |1 Comment

Benefits of Wellbutrin – A Quick Reference Guide

Many people who are suffering from a bipolar disorder, especially those who exhibit signs of manic behaviors are finding relief in a medication commonly known as Wellbutrin. It is commonly prescribed in addition to other medications in an effort to help patients manage their behaviors and it is showing to be particularly effective at helping bipolar sufferers who also have a gambling addiction. In this article you will find all of the information you need concerning this mood stabilizer and how it can help you manage your symptoms and lead a full happy life, without worrying unnecessarily about sudden weight gain or a loss of your sex drive. Sudden weight gain and a loss of sexual desire are the two most common reasons why patients stop taking their mood stabilizing medications and the simple fact that Wellbutrin does not seem to have these side effects may make it an effective treatment option for you.

2020-05-23T19:37:18-04:00By |22 Comments

Bipolar Medications

One of the most common misconceptions regarding a bipolar disorder involves the differences between depression and a manic episode, and it is important to realize that a medication that treats one will probably not treat the symptoms associated with the other. Bipolar depression is actually more common than manic episodes, which researchers have found to be significantly less of a problem than the devastating lows many sufferers of this disorder experience far too frequently. In this article you will finally be able to begin to understand the differences between depression and mania, which will make it easier to find a medication that works for your individual symptoms, and can reduce the amount of time you spend trying treatments that simply don't work for your condition. With a complete review of the different types of bipolar medications and a thorough explanation of depression and mania, you will find it easier to discuss your problems with your health care advisor and find a treatment plan that works for you.

2020-05-30T13:26:04-04:00By |42 Comments

Depakote for bipolar disorder

If you are looking for a fast acting medication that is approved by the FDA as a treatment for your bipolar mania and are a man not overly concerned about gaining a large amount of weight, you might want to consider a medication known as Depakote. While this medication might have been originally developed as a treatment option for patients suffering from epilepsy it is also proving to be beneficial to some suffers of bipolar mania, though it should be noted that this medication is certainly not designed for everyone and that women seem to experience the side effects more frequently than men. In this article you will find all of the information you need concerning this treatment for bipolar mania, including facts that point out it is not effective for depression. The more information that you have about your various treatment and medication options, the better your chances are of finding a regimen that works for your particular symptoms.

2020-05-30T14:25:33-04:00By |0 Comments

Geodon medicine – effective or fashionable?

One medication that has some suffers of bipolar mania singing its praises and others claiming that it is only a fad is Geodon, which was originally developed to treat schizophrenia and the delusions, paranoia and hallucinations that are commonly associated with this mental illness. What is really disturbing to some health care practitioners and their patients suffering from manic episodes is the unrealistic claims that are being made by the manufacturer of this so called "miracle drug", and it should be noted that it does include the same risk of potential side effects including weight gain as other bipolar medications. In this article you will finally be able to find the unbiased facts concerning this medication and its possible benefits and risks, along with the brief history of Geodon and its ability to treat manic episodes. You will also learn that this medication is not intended for long term use, which can prove helpful when you are working on a treatment plan.

2020-05-23T17:33:19-04:00By |1 Comment

Interesting facts about lithium

Almost everyone suffering from a mental illness or bipolar disorder has heard about Lithium and its' amazing ability to treat depression and prevent manic episodes, which makes it startling to learn that this proven form of treatment is actually being replaced by medications with a higher risk of side effects and a poorer track record of being able to help manage mood swings. While it is always important to remember that the same treatments and medications will not work for everyone, Lithium is one of the few proven drugs that seems to benefit almost everyone who is dealing with a bipolar disorder. In this article you will find the information you need regarding this proven form of treatment, along with the possible risks and side effects some patients experience. When you are more informed about your treatment options it will be easier for you and your health care adviser to find a medication that works for you.

2020-05-30T17:50:30-04:00By |0 Comments

Zyprexa medication

Manufactured by one of the largest drug companies in North America Eli Lilly, Zyprexia is advertised in magazines and on television as an effective treatment for manic and psychotic episodes and it is living up to the company's outstanding reputation for only producing safe and effective medications. This is not to say that there are not risks and side effects associated with Zyprexia, only that it can be an effective alternative to other medications that were developed to treat the symptoms associated with a type 1 bipolar disorder. In this article you will find the information that you need to help you decide if this medication might be the right form of treatment for you, along with its possible connection to diabetes. Elderly patients who are suffering from dementia may need to pay particular attention to the risks associated with this medication, but overall it is a treatment that you might want to discuss with your health care adviser if you are having difficulty managing your bipolar symptoms.

2020-05-30T19:06:44-04:00By |0 Comments

Lamictal bipolar treatment

As one of the three approved medications for stabilizing your manic mood swings associated with a bipolar condition, Lamictal has become a "life saver" for some patients who are coping with the extreme highs and lows associated with this mental health disorder. Often referred to as a "wonder drug" by some patients with a bipolar disorder, this medication is approved by the FDA and has shown to be an effective long term treatment option in clinical studies and testimonials. That is not to say that there are not risks involved with this medication and it should also be noted that it might not be effective in all patients, and it is not able to treat all manic episodes. In this article you will find the information you need to make your own decision regarding Lamictal and its possible effectiveness at helping you manage your own bipolar depression, along with a complete list of the possible side effects.

2020-05-30T18:24:49-04:00By |0 Comments
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