Living with Bipolar Disorder

HomeLiving with Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Suicides

Suicide is a frightening subject that is often avoided, and this is one of the worst mistakes people with bipolar depression make when they are dealing with this illness. Studies show that people with a bipolar disorder are an estimated 30 times more likely to commit suicide than other demographics and this also includes the rate among schizophrenics, which is a frightening statistic until you realize that treatments are improving every year to help reduce this number. This article was written to help people suffering from a bipolar disorder to recognize the signs of manic depression and what to do if thoughts of suicide threaten to become too much to bear. While it might be an uncomfortable subject that no one wants to talk about, knowing how to recognize and treat these signs can help save your life. This article also includes several quotes from famous celebrities which can also help you recognize the early warning signs.

2019-10-09T14:05:59-04:00By |11 Comments

Your Bipolar Treatment Contract

One of the most effective ways to manage your bipolar disorder is to take the time to create a treatment contract, which provides you and your loved ones with a clear plan that is designed to protect you when a severe mood swing occurs. This contract should include more than a simple promise to try and control your manic mood swings and behavior along with a rough outline of your treatment plan, it should also be able to serve as a safety net when a problem occurs. In order for the contract to effectively aid in your treatment there are some steps that should be followed, and the information included in this article can help you get started. It is one of the easiest steps for you to take on your road to recovery, and having the support of your friends and family can be an invaluable tool in your overall treatment.

2020-05-10T09:24:51-04:00By |0 Comments

Bipolar Wellness Plan

If you don't know what a wellness plan is then you will want to pay close attention to this article since it clearly explains the differences between it and other charts and contracts, along with the reasons why it can be an important step towards treating and controlling your manic behavior. Unlike a chart that tracks your moods on a daily basis, a wellness plan will help you identify the first symptoms that appear so you can immediately start treatment before you are thrown into a full blown manic attack. Not only will this chart help you to identity the symptoms before it can become a serious and potentially embarrassing problem, this plan can also help you determine the exact trigger for your episodes. Once you know what to avoid it will be easier to prevent an attack and enjoy living a calm and happy life.

2019-10-09T14:06:02-04:00By |0 Comments
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