Discover bipolar resources to inform and empower you.
There are many excellent resources about bipolar disorder.
However, sometimes there is just so much bipolar information available that we get overloaded. And unfortunately, some sites have unreliable information or hidden agendas.
Here is our directory of the best of the best resources about bipolar disorder – handpicked sites that we have already vetted and where we know you can surf with confidence.
Professional bipolar organizations
Top of my list has to be The Black Dog Institute.
The Black Dog Institute is an educational, research, clinical and community-oriented facility dedicated to improving understanding, diagnosis and treatment of bipolar and other mood disorders. They offer everything from diagnostic tests, to writing competitions to bleeding edge research findings in a dynamic, exciting but easy to use site. The emphasis is on practical, hands-on bipolar disorder resources that help with daily living.
The next significant organization I want to mention is the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA). DBSA have really spruced up their site lately, with podcasts, exciting contests, and easy to access information on diagnosis and treatment. They have a range of excellent bite-sized publications on everything from Food and Mood to a downloadable mini Mood Calendar.

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) have a great NIMH Bipolar Disorder in Adults page. This is offered as part of the NIMH Mood and Anxiety Disorder Program. It provides links to the latest clinical research studies on bipolar disorder, and a link back to the NIMH’s main bipolar information site.
Bipolar Disorder & Social Security Disability
This e-Book reveals important secrets to winning a claim for Social Security disability payments for bipolar disorder.
As an attorney with bipolar disorder, I know understand how the system works, the unique challenges you face, and the exact steps you must take for a successful claim:
Social Security Disability & Bipolar Disorder: How to Create a Winning Claim:

Best kept secrets

One of the most under-used gems on the Net, for bipolar people, is bp Magazine. This is an excellent magazine devoted to bipolar disorder. It is possible to subscribe to the hard copy (which I do suggest) and to access the back issues online. The only drawback is that the back issues are not indexed so you need to just click through them until you find something useful or interesting. It is worth the effort. Included in every edition are invaluable bipolar resources. Information is expressed clearly and concisely, and covers a lot of “hot topics” – and bp Magazine are not afraid to present a range of viewpoints.

Some of you will know I am lawyer. You probably won’t be surprised to see me include Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law as another under-used but very valuable one of our bipolar resources. This is the United States leading civil rights organization representing people with mental illnesses or mental retardation. If you need information about legal issues, or are interested in mental health advocacy, this is definitely the place to start.