Interested in mental health residential treatment centers?
These days the stigma of hospitalization has been reduced, at least to some extent, by the development of excellent private bipolar disorder and other mental illness treatment centers.
The best of these can also focus on dual diagnosis and substance abuse rehab.
The ability to address dual diagnosis and rehab are critical as so many people suffer from both substance abuse issues and mental health disorders.

These are very expensive and effective facilities, and a far cry from stereotyped ideas of “loony bins” and insane asylums.
Forget any images of drooling, straight-jackets, ice pick lobotomies, and abuse (usually gleaned from B grade movies).
Most people I know with mood disorders (me included), would be for very grateful for the opportunity to take a break at a properly staffed treatment center and get such quality, specialized care.
What are the benefits of residential treatment?
A stay in a mental health residential treatment center can provide the following benefits:
1. An opportunity to receive detailed observation and careful monitoring that can increase the likelihood of an accurate diagnosis.
The financial issues cannot be overlooked as it is rare for health insurance to cover residential care.
2.A chance for a detailed review of medication, including effectiveness, side effects and compliance. Often this is the best way to optimize and fine tune medication for an individual.
3. During acute episodes
where someone’s mental health is deteriorating, inpatient care can prevent them harming themselves or others.
There are many different facilities to choose from, but our focus will be on bipolar disorder treatment centers and dual diagnosis treatment centers.
If you are very constrained by money issues, you can use the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Health Information Network’s (SHIN) Mental Health Facilities Locator to locate your local community treatment facilities, including the most affordable options.
At the high end, some residential treatment centers cost approximately $45k per month for a full service residential program. This is unaffordable for most people.
Although most of the very best centers can be expensive, there are also excellent options that offer affordable care.
Dual diagnosis treatment centers
Dual diagnosis treatment centers are the most specialized of all residential treatment centers as they address the most challenging of issues – the treatment of individuals who have both mental health problems and substance abuse problems such as alcoholism and/or drug addiction.
10 Things You Should Know About Dual Diagnosis and Bipolar Disorder
Over 50% of those individuals who abuse drugs or are addicted to drugs are believed to all have at least one significant mental illness as well. Some experts put this figure as high as 70%!
Bipolar disorder is strongly associated with drug and alcohol abuse.
Two well regarded dual diagnosis treatment centers with expertise in bipolar disorder are:
2. The Canyon

Dual diagnosis sufferers are especially vulnerable to “downward drift” – a downward financial, lifestyle and health spiral that can end in disaster. Over 20% of our prison population suffer from a dual diagnosis.
Not only does substance abuse contribute to mood disorders and make them much worse over time, it also complicates diagnosis. For example, addiction to drugs or alcohol can disguise, cover up, or mimic bipolar disorder and other mental and mood disorders.
Dual diagnosis rehab
How does dual diagnosis rehab differ from the programs offered at other mental health residential treatment centers?
1. 12 step programs are included
2. more emphasis on relapse prevention
3. medication needs assessed with addiction issues given extra attention
4. social factors closely scrutinized and included in ongoing wellness plans
5. longer treatment programs
6. aftercare programs more common.
Often the term “dual diagnosis rehab” is used to refer to treatment for people who have two addictions. For example, a person may have both alcoholism and drug addiction so their rehab needs to address these dual addictions. However, this can also be referred to as “polysubstance” addiction, which is more accurate and clarifies that the individual is abusing more than one substance.
Be careful that you do not get confused between dual diagnosis of mental health problems and addictions, versus multiple addictions.
If you are investigating mental health residential treatment centers with a need for dual diagnosis treatment, make sure what kind of dual diagnosis or rehab they have expertise in.1